Give us a weekend and we'll give your students a one-of-a-kind experience that puts them ahead of their peers.

You want your students to be prepared for anything that comes their way after they graduate.

That means they must know how to be swings.

Swings have become more prominent since theatre’s return amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve seen more of them in action. Hugh Jackman has pointed them out during bows. We know that they’re essential to keeping our shows running.

And yet most college programs don't teach their students how to be one.

Did You Know?

81% of students who graduated from a theatre program say they didn’t receive enough education to actually be good swings - even those who came from programs that cast swings in school productions.

  • There Isn't Time

    Your students' chances of getting cast as swings are higher than they've ever been. You can lay the groundwork for them in just a couple of days and head back to your regularly scheduled programming

  • They Don't Know How

    Teaching your students how to be swings when you've never been one can be incredibly daunting! Chances are you're not addressing all of the little things that can make or break a swing's success

  • They Cast Swings In Their Shows & Thought That Was Enough

    I went to a program that cast swings, but I was never cast as a swing, so I didn't graduate with the skills I needed to be a successful swing - my first job out of school

Unshakeable Swing Workshops are designed to give your students the hands-on experience they need to become successful theatre swings - in just one weekend.

During the workshop, they’ll:

  • Gain a foundational understanding of what a swing is and what they do
  • Have the opportunity to learn a piece of choreography the same way swings do in a rehearsal room 
  • Get experience creating and using tracking sheets
  • Practice swinging into their tracks for an immersive, hands-on learning experience
  • Be able to unpack their learnings with an expert
  • Dodge the usual first-time swing pitfalls by working with a professional swing who learned the hard way
  • "This workshop was eye-opening. I had no idea how much work goes into being a swing, but now I feel so much more confident that I could do it." - Alex

  • “I’ve been a swing before but this was really validating. And I picked up some new tricks too!" - Sarah

Ready to turn your students into confident capable swings?

apply now

Please note submitting an application does not guarantee availability, but applying earlier increases the chances of securing a spot on our calendar.